Congrats to CHS Senior Hailey Isaacs for her 1st place Hereford at the Dixie Classic in Jacksonville, Mississippi this weekend. #NationalCTEMonth

💚Please join #TeamCISD recognizing SRO Moreno on #NationalSchoolResourceOfficerAppreciationDay. The SRO assignment is unique within the law enforcement profession and the SRO is a valuable and essential member of the education community who deserve unwavering respect and support from the public in the pursuit of keeping schools and students safe.

February is National CTE Month. What is CTE? Career and technical education, or CTE, prepares students for high-wage, high-skill and high-demand careers. Celebrate CTE Month today and visit ctemonth.org for ways to get involved. #CTEMonth #FFA #FCCLA

Congratulations to Clifton ISD Senior Hailey Isaacs for her Reserve Division Heifer 🏅at the San Angelo Stock Show this week!

Clifton ISD wants to recognize CMS 7th Grader Cole Isaacs for his hard work at the San Angelo Stock Show with his Angus Heifer.

Not only do our Clifton ISD Counselors support our students, they ensure each other thrive by continually collaborating, staying up-to-date on practices, and keeping the "I" in Kind!

🎉Clifton ISD wants to congratulate CES Third Grader Teagan Roughton! She showed her Hereford heifers at the Fort Worth Stock Show receiving 3rd in her class at the Jr Show. At the Open Show she earned a 1st and 2nd place in 2 different classes and was awarded a $1,500 scholarship for her hard work! Way to go Teagan!

🎉Clifton ISD wants to congratulate CHS Junior Bailey McMillan! She showed her Beef Master heifer and received 2nd in her class and Reserve Division Champion out of over 200 Beef Masters at the Fort Worth Stock Show. Way to go Bailey and keep up the hard work.

National School Counseling Week 2025, “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive,” sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated from Feb. 3–7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems and how students are different as a result of what school counselors do. To read more about their contribution to the success of Clifton ISD and all students nationwide please visit our latest news story.

Clifton Elementary has a batch of Kindergarten size 100-year-old Gramps and Grannies celebrating the 💯th Day of School, so be cautious for slow moving students this afternoon. 💚👴🏼💚👵🏽💚PreK students got crafty & Art students created this special mural for the day, too.

📅Just a friendly reminder the last chance to buy your yearbook is 1/31 Visit here:
https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1078083/Clifton-High-School/2025-Yearbook/2024080904304371786/CATALOG_SHOP/ @NTX_yearbooks

#TeamCISD Families and Community, The overnight snow in our district and area was heavier than was anticipated. That snow, along with temperatures well below freezing, have created hazardous travel conditions on roads that our buses, students and staff must use to get to school. Main roads or highways may be passable but side roads, roads that are less traveled and bridges in our district are slick. Therefore, school has been cancelled for today, Tuesday, January 21, 2025. I apologize for any inconveniences this early morning notification may cause but the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Questions, comments or concerns? Please contact me on my cell phone, 254-707-1503 or by email, andy.ball@cliftonisd.org. AB Andy Ball #TeamCISD Superintendent AB

#TeamCISD Families and Community,
Current forecasts do not show that we will receive any overnight precipitation that will adversely affect roads or create hazardous travel conditions. Therefore, school will start on time tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, 2025. I will continue to monitor the situation and will make any changes or notifications that may be necessary. Questions, comments or concerns? Please contact me on my cell phone, 254-707-1503 or by email, andy.ball@cliftonisd.org. AB Andy Ball #TeamCISD Superintendent

Good Luck to the CHS Cheerleaders performing at 9:32 a.m. today at the Texas UIL Spirit State Championship!

📎Reminder, on Thursday, January 30th CMS & CHS students will have programs from Unbound as part of SB9. Talking Points messages went out last week & further information can be viewed on campus calendars or in the CMS Newsletter. More information: https://bit.ly/cisdunbound

📅Reminder, the next student & staff holiday is Monday, January 20th. Don't forget to visit the calendars/handbook page on the Clifton ISD website to stay up-to-date. https://bit.ly/cisd2425calendar

#TeamCISD Families and Community,
Due to the uncertainty and type of precipitation we could receive this evening and tonight, along with the uncertainty of how low the temperature will go, and in order to allow all of our drivers, including students, staff and buses, better light and more time to get to school safely, Clifton ISD will have a delayed start on Friday, January 10, 2025. Classes will start at 10:00 a.m. Buses will run two hours later than normal. All campus doors will open and breakfast will be served at 9:00 a.m. Questions, comments or concerns? Please contact me on my cell phone, 254-707-1503, office phone, 254-675-1825 or by email, andy.ball@cliftonisd.org. AB Andy Ball #TeamCISD Superintendent

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D) is a day to show our support for our law enforcement officers. #TeamCISD thanks our local Clifton Police Department, Bosque County Sheriff's Office and the numerous entities that ensure that we maintain a safe learning environment for our students each and every day.

#TeamCISD Families and Community,
The latest weather updates I have received reflect a change in the early-week predictions of snow and ice for us on Thursday. According to those updates, as well as conversations I have had, any precipitation that we receive overnight and tomorrow morning should come in the form of rain due to the forecasted temperatures being above freezing. Therefore, we will have school tomorrow, Thursday, January 9, 2025, starting at regular time. If that changes later this evening, I will notify you. Questions, comments or concerns? Please contact me on my cellphone, 254-707-1503, office phone, 254-675-1825 or by email, andy.ball@cliftonisd.org. Thanks. AB
Andy Ball
Clifton ISD Superintendent