#TeamCISD Families and Community,
We are deeply saddened by the loss of one of our #TeamCHS ninth-grade students. Our hearts, thoughts, prayers and support go out to the family and friends at this difficult time.
We want to ensure to the greatest degree possible that every student and staff member receives the support and assistance he or she needs to cope with this loss.
Crisis counselors have been on campuses throughout today to provide support for students and staff and will remain accessible as long as they are needed. Referrals for additional support may also be made. We will share arrangements and ways to support the family per their wishes.
Please keep the family and our #TeamCISD students and staff in your thoughts and prayers.

Last day to order yearbooks! https://www.cliftonisd.org/article/611930

CISD SPED Department attending professional development today to learn how to measure student growth and grow as educators

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Clifton ISD! It's everything Clifton ISD, in your pocket.
Download for Android
Download for iPhone

Lunch Menus are posted under "Dining"
From the Web, click "Menu" then "Dining"
From the App, touch "Menu", then "Dining"

Required Covid Notifications and Enrollment Updates can be found in "Documents". From the website, click on "Menu", then "Documents", then "About Us".
From the app, touch the "Menu", then "Documents", then "About Us"

Welcome to our new website. Be sure to visit the app store on your mobile device and search for Clifton ISD to download our new app.

The second part of the year is upon us! Senors make sure you have reviewed all information pertaining to graduation requirements. Find out all you need to know by following this link. https://chs.cliftonisd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=262710&type=d&pREC_ID=594748

Have you registered for your ACT? Make sure to do so with plenty of time to study before hand. ACT examinations will be offered at Clifton High School in February, March, and June. Follow this link to find out more about ACT testing and preparation.

The second part of the year is upon us! Senors make sure you have reviewed all information pertaining to graduation requirements. Find out all you need to know by following this link. https://chs.cliftonisd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=262710&type=d&pREC_ID=594748

Ask about opportunities at school, community, and religious organizations within your field of study or campus organization. Don’t be afraid to ask everyone you know about scholarship opportunities that may be available to you. Follow this link on more information about scholarships.