
2022-23  Course Offerings

Current 7th grade students will select English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  If your student was in Academy Math and/or Academy Science this spring, they should choose to take Algebra I and/or Academy Science. These students can select three electives from the following:  Athletics, Band, Jazz Band, Art,PE, Principles of Human Services, Spanish I, BIM, Teen Leadership, Science Tech or Yearbook. Math or RLA Support may be required as one of the electives dependent on your student’s STAAR results.

Current 6th grade students will be required to take English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. If your student was in Academy Math and/or Academy Science this Spring, they should choose Academy Math/Science for next year. They will need to choose whether they want to participate in Athletics or PE. They will also need to choose two electives from the following: Art, Band, Science Tech, Tech Aps II (computer), Teen Leadership(Leadership skills and character education), or Yearbook. Math or RLA Support may be required as one of the electives dependent on your student’s STAAR results.

Current 5th grade students will be required to take English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. If your student masters the 5th grade STAAR test, they may choose to take Academy Math and/or Academy Science. They will need to choose whether they want to participate in Pre-Athletics or PE. They will also need to choose Art or Band for their Fine Art elective. Students will take Tech Apps I (computer) if not required to have a Math or RLA Support period. Math or RLA Support may be required as one of the electives dependent on your student’s STAAR results.

7th/ 8th grade elective options NOT for high school credit:

* Teen Leadership - focus on developing leadership skills 

* Yearbook - application required; limited; can take both years; basics of 

photography and journalism; will help with middle school section of the 


* Science Tech - teacher recommendation

* Tech Apps II - advanced technology class (for 7th graders)

8th grade elective options for high school credit:

*ALGEBRA I - Math for Academy students; must pass this course before taking any 

other HS Math courses; required for graduation

* Principles of Human Service  - foundational  career class for students interested in 

a career working with people including teaching, nursing, social work, etc.; 

counts as an elective for high school credit

* BIM - Business Information Management - foundational career class for students 

interested in technology or business careers; possibility to earn certifications; 

required for graduation from Clifton High School

*Spanish I - students must have a current lexile reading level of at least 7.5;  1st of 2 

LOTE credits needed to graduate high school

*Jazz Band - must be concurrently enrolled in grade level Band course; counts as a 

fine art for high school

* Art I - foundational course that covers different types of art; fulfills fine art 

requirement for high school graduation