Our “carrying the ball” winner for the month of November is Mrs. Amy Brown. Mrs. Brown is our CMS Counselor. We appreciate the time she takes to make sure that all students are ...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of November 18th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGWMwM0McA/8L3ReI7-cR3uyR9zsTGFDQ/edit?utm_content=DAGWMwM0McA&utm_campaign=...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of November 4th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGU3SMFCMo/i8wAnzQnpDCqGBpHEo-uMQ/edit?utm_content=DAGU3SMFCMo&utm_campaign=d...
Our “carrying the ball” winner for the month of October is Mrs. Delanie Atkinson. Mrs. Atkinson is our 8th grade math teacher who creates fun and engaging lessons everyday for h...
Click on the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of October 28th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGUZ-ptyrA/Jjua87_51w7WVagTK9zF7A/edit?utm_content=DAGUZ-ptyrA&utm_campaig...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of October 14th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGTGxmivvA/rgE95N6PYfgWaXfSZYh8KQ/edit?utm_content=DAGTGxmivvA&utm_campaign=d...
Our “carrying the ball” winner for the month of September is Mr. Joe DeBorde. Mr. DeBorde teaches seventh grade science here at CMS. Students love his class and Mr. DeBorde a...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of September 30th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGRmNVPB-8/llRq9-S5UHS-W5Sqg3kmqQ/edit?utm_content=DAGRmNVPB-8&utm_campaign...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of September 23rd. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQ7RnbNzA/RJ1EbdFsMiBiD1rRVkMgYg/edit?utm_content=DAGQ7RnbNzA&utm_campaign...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of September 16th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQTP1dntk/Vz7rLavSe5UqbwNOJpT0MQ/edit?utm_content=DAGQTP1dntk&utm_campaign...
Our “carrying the ball” winner for the month of August is Mrs. Erin Baker. Mrs. Baker is our 7th grade reading teacher and cheer coach. Mrs. Baker has gone above and beyond to h...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of September 9th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPzmpg-Qw/VjHUq1bIfmqvavPAlxpipw/edit?utm_content=DAGPzmpg-Qw&utm_campaign=...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of September 2nd. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGO98ypJ1w/tZgsLWVfhAO61zM3GS8QBw/edit?utm_content=DAGO98ypJ1w&utm_campaign=...
Click the link to see the CMS Newsletter for the week of August 26th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGOTvlkkGA/6ZU8BzboaFaejXwTj7iAYw/edit?utm_content=DAGOTvlkkGA&utm_campaign=de...
The 2024 - 2025 Clifton ISD Academic Calendar was approved by the Board of Trustees during their meeting on Monday, March 18, 2024. The calendar has a start date of Tuesday, Augus...
Click the link to see the CMS newsletter for the week of May 20th. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGFHQy6qhw/ssc8B0RFJQx9G7W3nNOnUg/edit?utm_content=DAGFHQy6qhw&utm_campaign=desig...