Guidance and Counselor

Clifton High School

School Counseling and Guidance Program

Melinda (Mindy) Bell, MS, LPC-Associate, License # 85076

School Counselor, Clifton High School

Supervised by Ashton Fisher Jimenez, MS, LPC-S, License # 66488

Office Number- (254)675-1847


Request to visit the school counselor can be made using the following link. Request to visit school counselor

Updated TRANSCRIPT REQUEST form has been added under 'Student Tab', as well as the "Links" page listed on the right side of this page.

Guidance Curriculum Content Areas

Intrapersonal Effectiveness

  • Positive student self-concept • Effective executive functioning skills

  • Appropriate behavior to the situation and environment

Interpersonal Effectiveness

  • Effective interactions with diverse populations

  • Effective and appropriate communication skills

  • Recognition of personal boundaries, individual rights and privacy needs of others

  • Effective conflict resolutions skills

  • Development of healthy relationships

  • Incorporation of wellness practices into daily living

  • Demonstration of resiliency and positive coping skills

  • Possession of assertiveness skills necessary for personal protection

Post-secondary Planning and Career Readiness

  • Motivation to succeed in personal endeavors

  • Demonstration of career exploration skills

  • Possession of the knowledge and skills to gather information for the purpose of postsecondary education and career planning.

  • Demonstration of awareness of the importance of postsecondary education

  • Understanding of the relationship of academics to the world of work and to life at home and in the community.


Personal Health and Safety

  • Incorporation of wellness practices into daily living

  • Demonstration of resiliency and positive coping skills

  • Possession of assertiveness skills necessary for personal protection

***Each grade level meets with the counselor for guidance lessons throughout the school year. Students have access to a Google classroom for their grade level.